Have you guys heard of dulse?

These little seaweed flakes have a lot of great health benefits!

1) High in vitamins and minerals – Specifically Vitamins B6, B12, A, Iron, Potassium, Phosphorus, and Manganese 
2) Helps heal poor digestive systems 
3) Rebuilds and maintains all glands in the body 
4) Cleanses the body of heavy metals 
5) Increases metabolism and aids in weight loss 
6) Also high in calcium, fiber, and protein 
7) Supports healthy brain function 
8) Very high in Iodine for healthy thyroid function 
9) Great for adding flavor to cooking 
10) Heals and enhances the liver

I like to sprinkle on most anything, but it's really good on a garbanzo salad sandwich! Ever had chickpea salad? It's so good!

I usually make a variation of this depending on what's in the kitch


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