Have you ever stopped to think about what events in your life REALLY shaped who you are?
I know that really EVERYTHING we do has an effect on who we are and who we become, but how about those REALLY impactful moments? Those life changers?
I stopped to think about them recently, and here are the first that came to mind.
1. Meeting the love of my life, Jerry. Not only did he change my life in the obvious ways, he changed ME as a person in the best way. I am BETTER because of his love and influence, and I have learned SO MUCH about being a good person from Jer and his beautiful family.
2. SKYDIVING! I want to keep these descriptions short so I wont go into great detail, but I had a huge medical scare in 2003 that made me realize how fragile life is. I didn't want to miss out on anything life had to offer knowing that at any moment it can be taken away. SO I decided to do the scariest thing I could think of. My reasoning was when I was faced with fear in the future, I'd have to remind myself that I was BRAVE and had already done something MUCH more terrifying!
3. Moving to Oregon. In 2008, we moved with our best friends Jess and Evan across the country, just because! We didn't have housing set up, some of us didn't have jobs even. We just packed up and went. We had a great adventure out there, and I fell madly in love with the Pacific NW. BUT our adventure was short lived (we'll be back soon, Oregon!), because we got the greatest surprise of our lives which brings me to number...
4. Harper's birth/Becoming a mama. I don't even need to explain. If I tried, I'd never stop typing heart emoticon Because of Harper choosing us, I became who I was always meant to be.
5. AND of course, the birth of sweet, sweet Junie. Not only was the actual ACT of giving birth to her life changing (I had a VBAC which was very empowering and a huge emotional milestone) but she brightened our life, made Harps a big brother, and made our family complete. She was meant to be ours.
6. Holding a tiny alligator. Just joking. Are you still reading this?
7. Becoming a coach. Making this decision was absolutely one of THE best decisions I have EVER made. I've changed my health, my strength, my outlook. I have passion and purpose. I am charged and alive. I've met incredible people. I have a completely new perspective. I take great comfort in knowing that I will be financially free and get so excited for the things we will be able to do in the future because of the income I will be generating. I have great confidence. I am renewed. I am present with my children. I get to wake up every morning CHARGED about the living that I am making! Again, I could go on and on...
It's so crazy to me that making the decision, on a whim, to become a coach, with great skepticism and little belief in myself or the opportunity, has evolved into one of my TOP life changing events.
I share this with you because I want you to think about your own life. Think of your positive life changing events. Has it been awhile since you've had one?
If it has, it might be time to shake it up a bit!
I've said it before, I will say it again...if you're hearing that whisper. If you're feeling a nudge from the Universe you've gotta JUMP!
Just like that skydiving trip I took. Make that jump and never let fear hold you back again.
PS If you think you might be interested in coaching, I have a 5 day informational group coming up. It's FREE and it'll be held right here on Facebook. Comment below or send me a message if you would like details.
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