Hey mama!

I know you're exhausted. 

It's SO hard to go to work every day when your heart is at home. You may have loved your job before your precious little one was born, but now you realize home is where you're meant to be.

You live for the weekends and time off, but it all goes by too quickly.

At your job, you're never quite present. Always wondering what's happening at home. Worried that you might miss a milestone. Watching the clock, counting down the minutes until you can be where you belong.

I know how this feels because I felt the same way for entirely too long. I felt trapped by my job, because it was stable and secure. It provided a good insurance plan. We didn't have enough income for me to leave. It was just what I HAD to do. You go to work..."no one loves working" you think..."it's normal to dread every work day".. so you just suck it up and make the best of it, accepting this as your life.

Of course, I KNOW this isn't true for everyone...but right now I am speaking to those of you that DO feel this way...and I know there are many.

I have a wish for you.

Stop living a life that you don't love.

This is your only chance. Your one shot.

Those moments are fleeting.


You CAN change it. YOU CAN! Don't let society's rules and standards decide for you. Don't let fear decide for you. Let your heart and passion lead the way!

I know it sounds so super simple when I say it that way.

You know why? It is!

You know what you have to do to change your path? You just have to make a decision and JUMP.

You know why I posted this photo with this message?

Because that's a picture of me and my beautiful son on a TUESDAY afternoon on a vacation that was booked, on a whim, 3 days prior.

Do you know how FREE it feels to be able to do that? I cried about a thousand times on that little trip because I am finally living my dream.

My wish for you is that you'll find that freedom soon. That you'll muster up the courage to chase your dreams and choose to follow your heart.

It's SO much easier than you think.

I am looking for 10 special women to train in April. I want to teach you everything I have learned so far, and get you on your own path to financial freedom also!

You MUST be

-Willing to step outside of your comfort zone
-Ready for change
-Able to dedicate at least 1 hour to your business daily
-Positive and FUN
-Ready to get in the best shape of your LIFE.

I will pour everything I can into the right candidates. It will take a lot of focus and effort on your part, and you must be able and willing to invest in your health to be a prime example for others!

Please apply here to be considered! APPLY HERE

OR if you want to learn more, I will be hosting a 5 day, NO PRESSURE sneak peek group on Facebook. You can check out the daily posts which will explain the most frequently asked questions regarding coaching. If you like what you see, we can chat about you being one of the lucky 10 to begin training on 4/27.

If not? NO SWEAT! This wouldn't work for you unless you really felt the fire and passion for it!

HERE'S THE LINK  to request to be added to the Sneak Peek group

Looking forward to the next training! Can't wait to watch some more beautiful mamas transform their lives!


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