Are you guys into personality tests? I have taken a TON, but find this one to be very accurate and easy to follow. It's helped me SO MUCH with understanding myself, but even more as a leader to develop my team and know best how to handle their needs and help them to grow. I am a classic Sapphire. Into FUN, not structured or organized AT ALL. Knowing that this is just the core of my personality has helped me embrace the mess that is ME! I'd love to hear your gem! Spill the beans! I'll bet I can guess the gems of those I know well. Let me know if you want me to try! ;-)

Here's the test!

Dani Johnson’s “GEMS” Personality Test

Defining your own personality type, along with the people who you are close with, is one of the most valuable things that you can do. I realized that others aren't motivated by the same things I'm motivated by. 

A great book that helps put this into perspective is Personality Plus by Florence Litthauer! It helps you realize that you can effectively communicate with others by listening to them more and also understanding how they learned and thrived by categorizing them into these styles.

You will build stronger foundations and trust between you. I encourage you 
to do this as well. 

The 4 Personality Gems come from the motivational speaker Dani Johnson.  Johnson says, “You have all four Gem characteristics in you.  Some people have a lot of two Gems and very little of the others. Others have quite a bit of each one in them, but they lead and communicate in one primary Gem most of the time.”

Once you understand your GEM type, you can learn to spot other GEMS™ quickly.

Walk through these various scenarios and answer the questions honestly. Remember, the only right answer is an honest answer! Not all of these scenarios will apply to you perfectly, because we are all different. So just place a check mark next to the answer that is most appropriate or you feel best describes you. You may notice letters at the end of each option, ignore them while you are reading through, they are to score your test after you have completed it.

 Scenario 1: You have received an item that needs to be assembled:
You read ALL the instructions first and take an inventory of all the parts. “D”
You throw the instructions off to the side and only look at the pictures. “A”
You don’t want to be a burden to anybody else so you assemble it alone, but
it may take you longer than others to do so. “C”
You first grumble that it hasn’t already been assembled and you put it together really fast. You think the manufacturer made a mistake because now
you have left over parts! You toss the parts; they were not needed. “B”

Scenario 2: When giving a gift:
You find something really nice, in fact so nice you decide to keep it for your
self. You then go buy them something different. “B”
You purchase a fun gift that tells the story of an inside joke, or is just a complete gag gift. “A”
You make the gift yourself or purchase something and add your own personal touch. “C”
You may buy them a card or if you knew what they wanted, it was economical, and fit into your budget, you would make the purchase. “D”

Scenario 3: Hotel chains now place a card inside the hotel room that reads “Please
save our water supply. If you would like your towels to be washed please place them
on the floor.” Your response is:
You definitely follow the instructions and hang your towels after use. You
want to do your part to save the environment. “C”
You read the card and analyze how sincere the hotel actually is. You hang up
your towels, because you would never leave them on the floor. “D”
You will just throw the towel on the floor by default. You probably didn’t
even realize there was a card in your room and you’re in a hurry anyway, so
you’re out the door. “A”
You will say to yourself, “No, I paid a high price for this hotel room and I
want the full service, including fresh clean towels.” “B”

Scenario 4: You are out with other people. When ordering from a menu at a restaurant:
You wait to order to see what everyone else orders first to ensure you order
something different. That way, you can taste multiple unique things from the
menu! “A”
You look at cost to value and ask yourself, “How much do I get for what
price? What makes the most sense to buy?” “D”
You usually gravitate to the most expensive item on the menu because you
want the best. You typically ask the server, “What is the best thing on your
menu?” “B”
If someone else might be picking up the bill, you will choose the least expensive item. You tend to order the healthier option. “C”

Scenario 5: You are at dinner with your friends, the server seems stressed out because
the restaurant is packed. When he/she delivers your food, you realize quickly he/she
brought you the wrong dish:
Say nothing, it was an honest mistake, and you don’t want to further stress
the poor server. “C”
As it is being delivered you say something immediately like, “Ah, I didn’t
order this,” and in the back of your mind you think the server is obviously
incompetent. “B”
Catch the server’s attention and send it back, and say that you would appreciate a discount on your check. “D”
Eat the meal, who knows, it might be better than what you ordered. You may make a comment to the server with no expectations and say something like, “It’s no problem, I’ll eat it anyway.” “A”

 Scenario 6: When it comes to rules:
You think that everyone else’s rules are stupid. When it comes to the rules
you invented, you believe everyone should follow them.  “Its my way or the highway” “B”
You will naturally follow the rules because you don’t want to hurt anybody’s
feelings or displease anyone. “C”
You believe that rules are meant to be broken. “A”
You believe that rules were meant to be followed. “D”

 Scenario 7: Pick an occupation that most appeals to you:
You prefer to work directly with people, build relationships, and travel. “A”
You prefer to work with methods, systems, numbers, processes, and routines. “D”
You like what is challenging and makes the most money. “B”
You enjoy helping and serving people and working toward a great cause. “C”

 Scenario 8: When it comes to sports:
If you can’t win then you won’t play, because winning is everything! “B”
You love to play team sports! If you don’t win it’s OK because you enjoyed
playing the game with each other. “A”
You don’t exactly see the point in sports, you have a long task list and some research you would rather be doing. “D”
If you make me play, I’ll play, but please don’t hurt me and don’t scream at me and I really don’t care if we win. “C”

Scenario 9: When it comes to clothing:
1.____You wear clothes that are comfortable, breathable, non-binding. You also own
a lot of old things that have been passed down from generation to generation
because you are the family heirloom recipient. And you generally like earth
tones. “C”
You are the person who wears something bright, trendy, fun, colorful, what’s
hip, what’s hot now. You like funny clothes even with jokes on them. It doesn’t
matter if anybody likes it; you like it. “A”
You wear the BEST, the most popular labels, the hottest-looking clothes. You
put on the most expensive clothing and you dress to impress. You also wear
a lot of black! “B”
You may have items in your closet that are more than 10 years old, still in
good working order. And there is no point in replacing them, fashion repeats
itself just like history. “D”

Scenario 10: When it comes to shoes:
You purchase quality shoes at a discounted price. Among your shoes, you’ve
had many of them for a long time because you wear them until they wear
out. “D”
You have a lot of comfortable slip-on shoes, something that is easy to get into
and out of and great to wear all day. You probably love Birkenstocks and during the winter you may even wear them with socks. “C”
You have tons of shoes and none of them are boring. They are colorful, be dazzled, extreme, or something that always makes them a topic of conversation. Comfort is not the goal. “A”
You have a selection of top-of-the-line, brand-name shoes. (Several pairs in
black) “B”

Scenario 11: When it comes to accessories:
You always have tons of accessories, mixing and matching different bracelets, rings, watches, and earrings (usually inexpensive, or fake). You may even have lots of visible tattoos and piercings. “A”
Your accessories are simple and you only wear maybe a watch and/or wedding band. It is tasteful. “D”
You are attracted to the best jewelry, the highest quality stones and metals.  Basically you want your jewelry to say I have more money than you (even if I don’t). “B”
You typically don’t wear a lot of jewelry, if you do it is handmade, or heirlooms that have been passed down and hold sentimental value. “C”

Scenario 12: Through your formal educational years:
You never got in trouble. You probably scored high in either math or science. You were neat and organized, everything was in its proper place. Your locker
was also neat, organized, and even color coded! “D”
You heard ‘sit down and shut up’ often. You often got in trouble for being loud and tardy. “A”
You were the best at everything – well everything you chose to be the best at, because it’s silly to be the best at something that is not important. “B”
You were a compliant and quiet student who listened to most everything
your teachers had to say. You worked diligently so that you wouldn’t disappoint your teachers and/or parents. “C”

Scenario 13: When it comes to your car:
You like a fun car that has really cool colors and the sound system is more expensive than the car itself. And you have a lot of stuff in my trunk that you
have no idea what’s in there. You have candy wrappers and fast food wrappers underneath all the seats. If there is license and registration it is crumbled
up in a ball somewhere. “A”
You like the best cars! Clean, sparkling, and capable of getting a lot of attention. It has to be a popular high-end brand name and it has to be expensive.
It is the best of its class. “B”
You like a car with research behind it; it must be cost effective, get good gas mileage, and have longevity. A car must be clean and organized inside and
out. The scheduled maintenance and tune-ups ensure the longevity of the vehicle. Everything must be in good working order. “D”
A car should be safe and good for the environment. Your cars in the past have had bumper stickers on the back and pictures of the kids inside. You always
have tissues and wipes just in case. You know all the safety features. “C”

Scenario 14: When driving:
You drive slow, and will let everyone into your lane. You stop for pedestrians
and will brake for animals in the road. “C”
You drive fast, honk the horn at cars and pedestrians. You tailgate, and you don’t heed the bike lane. “B”
You drive fast, talk/text, run yellow lights. Music is very loud. You didn’t even know there were pedestrians waiting to cross. “A”
You tend to obey the traffic signs and law. On the highway you may set your cruise control to the exact speed limit. It is illogical and insensible to pay for
a traffic citation. “D”

Scenario 15: When packing to go out of town:
All of your clothes are thrown in unfolded with shoes on top of the clothes or in with the clothes. Your shampoos and toiletries are also thrown in with
everything. “A”
You have one complete outfit for each day picked out in advance. All of your toiletries are in separate compartments. Everything is perfectly folded. “D”
You bring more clothes than what you need, and you pack at the last minute because you are so busy. However, you do keep your toiletries separate and
shoes separate. Your bag is not so organized but you know what will look good and better than everybody else when you arrive. “B”
You bring very few cosmetics. You don’t have a bag that’s too heavy because “somebody else may have to lift this.” You always have a first-aid kit just in
case somebody else needs a bandage. You also pack snacks! “C”

Scenario 16: When it comes to dating:
You are on time. You dressed appropriately for whatever the activity may be. “D”
You most likely go to a concert or out dancing, something that is active and fun! And you WILL be late because you changed your clothes 10 times because you didn’t know what you wanted to wear. “A”
You would go to an expensive restaurant. “B”
You enjoy a nice quiet restaurant that is not too expensive and has an organic flare to it. “C”

Scenario 17: When you are surrounded by children:
You are multi-tasking, holding a conversation as well as texting and emailing
others at the same time. “B”
Find most kids to be noisy and rambunctious and difficult to control. “D”
Will get out and play with the kids for hours! “A”
Suggest a nice quiet activity (like reading) and just enjoy spending time with them. “C”

Scenario 18: When it comes to money:
Impulse buyer, you don’t know where half of your money ends up. “A”
Splurges on expensive items, you tend to purchase items that are the best. “B”
3.____Not a huge spender, but you lend or give friends and family money and you may go with out because of it. “C”
4.____You know where every dime of your money ends up. You never impulse buy; every purchase is thought out thoroughly. “D”

Scenario 19: When setting goals:
Set dozens of lofty goals, you are a goal-setter and a go-getter. You tend to overfill your plate and will avoid failure at all cost. “B”
Assess first and establish practical goals. “D”
Volunteer to help other people fulfill their goals, you naturally find a need and fill it! “C”
Don’t set big goals, unless it is to have a good time. You love to start things, but rarely finish them. “A”

Scenario 20: When it comes to solving problems:
You are a verbal processor, you have to talk out your problems with someone. “A”
You come up with several scenarios, map each solution out and decide what the most efficient course of action would be. “D”
Fix it fast; you don’t have time to deal with problems. But you know your solution is the best possible answer. “B”
Become overwhelmed, seek out others for help. You don’t want to disappoint anybody. “C”

Scenario 21: An argument breaks out, you are the one who:
Probably started it (but you would never admit that).“B”
Will quiet down and stay out of it. “C”
Try to make light of it and attempt to change the subject. “A”
Have a valid argument and lay it out, even if it’s harsh. “D”

Scenario 22: If it’s a big decision:
Make quick decisions and often change them just as quickly. “A”
Never like making a decision, and quickly become stressed out. Especially if the decision could hurt people’s feelings. “C”
Consider all of the options and make the most logical choice. “D”
Make quick decisions. You aren’t afraid to make a tough decision and you disregard any obstacles in the way. “B”

Scenario 23: If there was a threat of a natural disaster in your area:
You are too busy to even think about the disaster. Why waste time concerning yourself with something that may never happen? If it actually did come to your area, you would quickly run out and grab supplies at the last minute. “B”
You already have your emergency kit ready, and have had it ready to go for years with enough food and fresh water to last your family several months. “D”
You have an emergency kit with a lot of excess food in case other people didn’t prepare; you also have extra flashlights and lots of bandages for everybody else. “C”
When you hear about the possibility, you run to the store and stock up on overly processed foods such as chips, donuts, beer, soda, and crackers. And make sure to grab a deck of cards. “A”

Scenario 24: Spring cleaning! You open your garage door:
There are boxes full of old knickknacks that have been there for years. You can’t bring yourself to throw them out. You know that others are in need so
you find some older clothes and furniture to donate. “C”
Everything is already organized, pushed to one side, and stacked perfectly.  However, you take the time to implement a new color-coded labeling system
on all the boxes. Red is for Christmas decorations, etc. “D”
Everything is everywhere, you can barely open the garage door; it is a disaster. Why clean it? You still always find what you need. “A”
Your garage is packed full of “stuff” and you are too busy to clean and organize it. You do a quick clean and shove boxes to one side so you can fit your new car in the garage. You may have thrown away some important family items, but who hangs on to stuff anyway? “B”

Scenario 25: You open your closet doors:
There is a place for everything. Your closet is organized with the hangers in the same direction and your clothes hang neatly from light to dark. “D”
A majority of the hangers are empty, most of your clothes are on the floor in your room. You are lucky if you find two socks that match. “A”
Not overly organized or sloppy, you are just too busy to organize it. But your clothes are hanging. “B”
Your closet is packed with hand me downs, a lot of neutral tones, and comfortable organic materials because you can’t throw anything out! “C”

Scenario 26: You are loading the dishwasher:
Load it full with food still encrusted on all the dishes, you don’t get to unloading it until the sink is full again of dirty dishes. You often ruin hand-wash only dishes and melt plastic ware by placing them in the high heat rack. “A”
Load it with crusty dishes, you don’t want to wait for it to be full to run it so you start the dishwasher when it is half-full most of the time. “B”
Load the dishwasher with pre-rinsed and scraped dishes, in an orderly manner with all of the silverware matched up in separate, designated areas. “D”
Because conserving water and energy is important to you, you don’t run the dishwasher until it is totally full so you don’t have to run it that often. “C”

Scenario 27: Shopping at the grocery store:
Grab and go, the idea is to get out of the store as quickly as possible. “B”
Spend entirely too long in the grocery store, buy more than you intended and totally forget to buy the key items you originally went in for. “A”
Go straight for the organic section. “C”
Have a list, don’t buy anything that is not on the list, and shop the sales and look for discounts. “D”

 Scenario 28: Friendships:
Have lots of friends; people love being around you! And you are constantly making new friends! You value relationships and keep in touch with people you have known for a very long time. “A”
You have a huge heart for your friends, and also maintain many long-term relationships. You are everyone’s best friend, but often your kindness gets
taken advantage of. “C”
You attempt to change people, because they tend to let you down. You have a few close friends but it is hard to earn your trust. “D”
Everybody knows who you are, you make sure of that. Your closest friends are probably driven and ambitious like yourself (but not more than you). “B”

Scenario 29: When you are in a room full of people:
You will talk to every single person in the room, and comfortably. “A”
You size up everyone in the room, and immediately identify any competition. “B”
You find one person and connect really well, spending the whole night in a thoughtful conversation with them. “C”
You gravitate away from the main mass of people, sit back, and observe. “D”

Scenario 30: When talking on the phone:
You are aware of how much time you are dedicating to the call, being sure to ask all questions up front and end the conversation after all important information has been relayed. No reason to linger. “D”
Even if it is the cable guy, you talk for at least twenty minutes discussing your favorite TV shows and what you had for lunch. “A”
You don’t talk a lot, you mostly listen to the other person. You never end the conversation, you are available to them for as long as they need and answer
all questions fully. “C”
You have a purpose for the conversation, and will stay on the phone long enough to make sure that purpose was accomplished. You will keep talking until the other person fully understands. The conversation ends with an action item. “B”

Scenario 31: Public Speaking:
You have everything written down, and explain or present the information in a step-by-step fashion, and tend to use a larger vocabulary. “D”
You avoid public speaking as much as possible. When forced you keep it short (if not slightly rushed sounding) and tend to be more soft-spoken. “C”
You probably should have made note cards but forgot. You are a very animated speaker, using your hands and swaying or walking around while you talk. It may not be the most organized and maybe you unintentionally leave out a few things but in general, you are always enthusiastic about the topic. “A”
You are a very confident public speaker, and aren’t afraid to be the first to present an idea. “B”

Scenario 32: In conversation with someone one-on-one:
You don’t talk loud and are more reserved. You tend to be the first to listen and the last to speak. “C”
You are pretty loud or animated (or both) when you get to talking to someone. “A”
You tend to talk in a rhythm, more monotone. You are not overly loud or soft-spoken. You like to ask questions in order to clarify. “D”
You tend to dominate the conversation. You are a direct communicator, and you emphasize what you think is BEST a lot. You’re opinionated and don’t like it if people disagree. “B”

Scenario 33: When visiting the zoo:
You make a beeline for the birds of prey and wildcat exhibits. In general, see what you want and then leave. “B”
You stop by every exhibit and feel a sadness for all the caged animals. And typically donate at every opportunity. “C”
You, as always, have the day planned out, and stop by each exhibit and catch every animal show in order of the map. You also pack snacks and water and don’t buy anything from inside the park; it is all overpriced. “D”
You don’t even look at the map, you bounce around the park to each exhibit sign as you see them. You make sure to buy the elephant swirly straw and some cotton candy. “A”
 Scenario 34: Handshake:
You tend to offer a loose relaxed handshake and often use both hands to shake. “C”
You offer a firm quick handshake. “D”
You love an enthusiastic shake and tend to not let go, or you bypass the hand and offer a hug. “A”
You have a strong solid grip when you shake hands; you control when it ends. “B”
Scenario 35: Keeping track of time:
Every clock in your house is set to the same time, down to the second. You are always on time. You are never late. “D”
You are so busy it is hard to keep track of time. You usually sacrifice eating and sleeping times to get things done. “B”
You try to be everywhere early; you don’t want to inconvenience anyone. However, it doesn’t always work out. “C”
If you do care about being on time, you set your watch 10-30 minutes ahead to help give you extra time, and still often find yourself late. You lose track of it quickly. “A”

Scenario 36: When home alone:
Pull out your home task list and begin completing things that need to get done, one by one. “D”
Pull out your laptop and continue working. “B”
Put on the TV, music, and call someone, all at the same time. “A”
Put on some relaxing music and sit down to rest for a bit, and maybe enjoy a cup of tea outside. “C”

Scenario 37: How you view people:
You find most people incompetent. “D”
You see the good in people. “A”
You try to show them up, whoever it is. “B”
You do see the good in people, and will give them multiple chances – even if they have hurt you. “C”

 Scenario 38: When at the doctor’s office:
You got there on time and you are frustrated if you are made to wait longer than a few minutes past your appointment time. “D”
You got there early and will wait patiently to see the doctor if he is running late. You understand some emergency may have come up that requires the doctor’s time. “C”
You showed up late and just hope they didn’t cancel your appointment. You get out your phone and start texting or make a call. You may even play a
game on your phone. “A”
Chances are you were a couple minutes late, but act as if you were on time. If made to wait more than a reasonable amount of time, you confront the receptionist. If the doctor can’t make time for you, you are not going to sit around all day – she/he should just let you in or reschedule the appointment for a day when the doctor is less busy. “B”
Scenario 39: Hair:
Your hair is always trendy, professional, and you paid a lot of money to maintain it (even if you are a guy). “B”
You love experimenting with funky colors, dreadlocks, a perm! Anything! “A”
You don’t want to damage your hair with harmful chemicals or processing.  Whatever is easy. You don’t pay attention much to styling. “C”
You tend to pick a hairstyle that does not require a lot of time to maintain it.
You may have been going to the same barber/hair stylist for 20 years, and you rarely change your hair style. “D”

Scenario 40: Of these four choices, which option motivates you the most:
Serving others. “C”
Challenge and/or Money. “B”
Fun! “A”
Facts and figures. “D”

Congratulations on completing the assessment!

Great job. So…now what?
Simply go back through the assessment and add up the number of items that
corresponds to the letters A, B, C and D and enter those totals on the lines be
low. As you’ve probably figured out, each letter corresponds to a specific GEM:
 A = Sapphire
B = Ruby
C = Pearl
D = Emerald
But hold on; you don’t get just one score; you get two. Everyone has a primary and a secondary GEM! So, if the highest total number of answers corresponds to the letter D, and the second highest number of answers corresponds to the letter B, you are an Emerald (Primary) and Ruby (Secondary).

Keep in mind that there are NO RIGHT ANSWERS or ‘GOOD’ GEMS™. Each GEM is excellent in its own right, with strengths and advantages that need to be recognized and honored to maximize communication!

Now that you have completed the exercise, please let me introduce you to the four basic personality types, or GEMS™. Once you identify your own personality type, or “GEM,” and get comfortable with your own language, you will also spot other GEMS™ quickly. Being able to identify yourself and others will allow you to communicate more effectively and speak to others in their language. You will notice that both your personal and working relationships will become less stressful, more productive, and more fulfilling in every way.

SAPPHIRES are motivated by fun!

PEARLS are motivated by a cause.

EMERALDS are motivated by facts and figures.

RUBIES are motivated by a challenge and/or money.
People have many different responses to the GEMS™ Personality Test. Some may have found the process of taking this test to be a bit uncomfortable, while others find that the results fit them accurately. Whatever your response, your feelings are valid and consistent with the GEMS™ Mastery.
Emerald, you may have found this process imperfect as you analyzed each question and answer. Your greatest struggle was that the answer you had to choose did not describe you with the greatest accuracy. Emerald, remember the directions did say, “Pick the one that most accurately describes you,” not what perfectly describes you.
Ruby, you have places to go, people to see, and a list that needed to be finished yesterday. Most Rubies have a tendency to skip or skim the instructions, which specifies that for the best results you should read ALL of the answers. You, on the other hand, read the answers until you had a “that’s me” moment, made your selection, and went on to the next question.
Sapphire, after answering a few questions, your curiosity got the best of you and you began to count the pages to see how long the test was. You may have even experienced some slight perspiration as you saw the length of the test and found it intimidating or hard to focus. Due to your creative nature, there’s a good chance that you skipped around, instead of answering the question in the order presented.
Pearl, you looked at the test and considered all four answers before making your choice (as you were instructed when you read through the introduction thoroughly). Though you may have been somewhat uneasy answering some very direct questions, you considered what fit you most and continued on.
Cheat Sheet:

GEMS™ Personality Test


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