Harps was playing outside with his buddy yesterday while I worked out.

I heard little giggles and voices

"She's doing that move again?"
"What's she doing now?"

They watched me through the window almost the entire time.

Then Harps came in and grabbed a set of light weights and brought them outside.

I love that my children see me love and care for my body.

I love that they will grow up knowing exercise is normal and important.

It isn't always easy to focus on my workouts when the kids are around. They don't know that often times I am working so hard I can barely speak. I try not to get frustrated when I have to stop mid workout to fill a water cup or wipe a butt. I don't give up and quit if Junie gets impatient or fussy; this is too important. I might have to pause, but it doesn't mean that the workout is ruined. I take care of their needs and hop right back in the saddle.

Instead of feeling guilty for doing something for myself like we moms do sometimes, I remind myself that this is for them! In the future, they'll be glad I took 30 minutes to myself each day.


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