Do you know about the law of attraction?
I never did before either.
Here's the gist. You attract what you expect. Like attracts like.
For instance, if you expect to have a wonderful, easy, happy day, you will. If you expect things to go your way, it's likely that they will do exactly that. If you focus on your gratitude for all that you have, you will attract more wonder and beauty into your life.
If you spend your days filled with worry and disappointment, expecting and focusing on the worst, guess what you'll get?
Have you ever noticed that a lot of people who spend their time complaining and being negative seem to have a lot of tough shit continually happen to them?
Have you noticed that people who are perpetually happy and positive seem to have the best luck and the easiest lives?
It's not's the law of attraction at work.
This may seem silly, but I've lived in Florida most of my 39 years and ALWAYS wanted to find a shark's tooth, but never did. I had it in my head that for some reason I just wasn't lucky enough to find one. I was defeated before I even tried.
I went to the beach recently with my family. It was an absolutely perfect day. I'd had a rough couple of days before, and was easing myself out of a funk. I took a quiet minute to float in the water all alone to soak in everything around me and watch my sweet family play at the water's edge. The water was the perfect temperature, calm as can be, and super clear and clean. There was music playing in the distance, and there was just this beautiful energy. This happy, alive vibration surrounding me. I was filled with immense joy just for being right there in that moment. Suddenly it was clear to me that I was living my dreams and that I was exactly where I needed to be, and became overwhelmed with gratitude.
A few minutes later as I rejoined my family, I noticed Jerry sifting through the sand looking for shark's teeth. I decided to join him. I just KNEW in my bones that I would find one, and declared it out loud.
Wouldn't you know that I found one a minute later? Then another, and another...all within about 5 minutes!!!
3 shark's teeth in five minutes when I'd spent a lifetime searching before.
When I found the first one, it solidified my feelings of gratitude and gave me feelings of reassurance that I am on the right path. Since I like to ask for signs, I played a little game in my head with the Universe and asked to find another one as a sign that I was, indeed, finding these shark's teeth for a reason. The third one was just a little cherry on top I think :-)
Just compare the shark's teeth in this story to your perfect job, or your soul mate, or prosperity, or complete and utter happiness living a life that aligns with your dreams... All of those things are out there, waiting for you to find them. They ARE! You just have to REALLY BELIEVE that you will find them, and focus on that happening. Envision in. Feel it. Visualize it. Stop thinking of all of the reasons that they won't happen. Don't focus on the negative, because I am telling you, you'll just get more of that.
Those shark's teeth were always right in front of me, just like everything you want is in front of you.
You just have to believe.
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