
Bedtime can go one of many ways when you have little ones.

Sometimes this highly anticipated time of the day can be a bit rough... You know how it goes...brushing teeth, getting PJ's on, bath can all be met with resistance. Then story time turns to play time, or you're just too tired for story time, then you feel guilty. Everyone's finally in bed, then someone needs water so the other one needs water too. Then someone has to pee. THEN you try SO hard not to fall asleep next to your little know how they they have a motion detector called their foot? They place that foot right on you, trapping you in place. And even though they're finally asleep .. their breathing has been steady for a million hours (you know it's been awhile by the tingling in your side from NOT moving an INCH) when you ever so stealthily try to get up, their motion detector KNOWS! So you lay back down. Then you accidentally fall asleep. Then you wake up 2 hours later and get pissed at yourself because you spent your free time sleeping! So you try to sneak away again, and SUCCESS!!! Until when you are ALMOST out the door you step on the ONE creaky floor board and start all over again.

But tonight was not one of those nights. Bathtime was easy and FUN! Harper is so thrilled with his new favorite thing..wearing his goggles in the tub and holding his breath under water. Junie, for the first time, didn't cry when i washed her hair, and held her mouth open WIDE to get her teeth brushed.

 Tonight we read several books. I melted hearing my son read Shel Silverstein to me. I chose my favorite poem, "Listen to the Mustn'ts" and asked him to read it, which made me teary, thinking of my beautiful children's lifetime of possibility that is ahead. Then when it was time to tuck them in, everything was smooth sailing. No fussing, everyone totally happy and relaxed...and even though sweet Junie stirred to put her motion detector of a leg around me at the last minute, I delighted in it's chubby warmth and savored those snuggles instead of anticipating how I'd make my escape. But the icing on the cake was her hugging my arm and pulling me in close and whispering in her sweet 2 year old voice " I lah you"


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